Mumming I, II, III

Hand coloring cyanotypes in the studio today- I haven’t tried this before but I have been thinking about it a lot. One of my favorite things when I was young was hand coloring the photographs in photo class. I only really desire to push and pull the light in my toned photographs, because the paper changes from the various toners and you lose a lot of the brightness. But in that loss is the ability to make it more painterly.

I like how it’s turning out but wondering if these are too dark and wintery for a September show? I suppose it’ll be after the equinox so the energy may shift by then. Today it is wishful thinking that sweater weather is in our reach. It’s still bright far too early, and reaching the 90s later this week.

I was starting another silverpoint but after putting the braid silverpoint on the wall, I wonder if that won’t make the cut for this round of showings. It’s a bit too far afield aesthetically.

the current cut, awaiting framing: